I have decided to take the weight off my shoulders financially by joining badbeat.com.
So far they have been pretty awsome, they have understood the level I would like to play at and they have assured themselves that I am a winning player by reviewing different stats.
There are pros and cons of joining up with them however I found the pros out weighed the cons, the major pro being the fact I have no money worries. The major cons were that I am only getting 25% of my profits monthly, whether this is enough money for me to survive on a day to day basis we will have to see. Also can I be a winning player with such strict bankroll limits?
Who knows, all i know is I can keep my current bankroll to spend on myself yeyy!
I played the NPF Forum Championship on Saturday which was an awsome weekend and everyone enjoyed it. I found I played well but I was not my usual aggressive self, I think this was because I assumed that the players around me were good players and would play back at me, however I totally misjudged this, these players were very basic and were only looking at their cards and not looking around them to see what was going on. I didn't really get a chance to play well, I made (what i thought was..) one sick move where a guy min raised utg, i immediately put him on QJ KJ J10 Q10 K10 A9 A10. I had A10 in the SB so I called and the flop came A4A, into a 1500 pot I decided that a check would look too strong, and if i bet out big it wouldn't give him enough chips to come over the top on a bluff as I would have no fold equity in his stack, so I put in a bet of 400 which looks very very weak and sure enough he came over the top on K10 and he was as good as dead.
An interesting situation arose in the team game, I raised from utg on KK and my team mate reraised all in, I had him covered by a margin and I had no idea what to do, I said out loud (which I regretted) "Wow this really is a team tactics decision."
By this time people have crowded round and my hole cards have been chinese whispered around the rail, so folding could risk getting my team disqualifed if someone mentions it and the dealer flips my cards (and I think playing dumb and saying I think he had aces wouldn't get through) so I asked the cardroom manager and they said I must do what I would in a normal tourney (but it isn't a normal tourney it's a team game) so I ended up calling and I was against AK, so at this point I wasn't sure who I wanted to win, me get the chips or have 1 more player in the tourney to collect points, as it happened I lost as he made broadway on the turn and I was dead. So that was a sick way to go, I ended up shoving the last of my chips in on A9 on an A high board to run into AQ.
Live poker is being cut down for now, I am heading to DTD on wednesday for more frolics however I think I will focus online more.
Good Luck all
1 comment:
Good post. I'm now considering badbeat as a backer myself. Will check back to see how u get on.
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